Welcome to ASCItec: Your Strategic Partner for Talent Growth and Innovation.

Are you a startup or scale-up? Are you seeking a fresh approach to building and nurturing your talent pipeline with quantitative people like scientists & technologists?

Look no further, because at ASCItec, we’re here to transform your talent acquisition function.

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Unlock your Data and AI talent potential.

Our mission is clear: we bring you the talent you need to thrive. Think of it as an ETL process for your talent pipeline, where we extract, transfer, and load top-tier candidates from various direct and indirect sources into your vacancies. Our goal isn’t just to fill roles; it’s to cultivate your talent pipeline for the long term, ensuring your company’s growth and success.

By choosing ASCItec, you’re not just opting for a recruitment service; you’re becoming part of a community of forward-thinking employers to learn from. With our assistance, your recruitment and talent acquisition efforts become significantly more appealing to the candidates who truly count. So, there’s no need to settle for the uninspiring message, “Acquisition for this vacancy is not appreciated,” as you will have a talent pipeline to select from (so no vacancy has to be published!).

personeel subsidie innovatie talent recruitment financiering people

Why settle for less?

Ever wondered why traditional recruitment methods leave you with an “acquisition not appreciated” feeling? Perhaps it’s the steep costs, with recruitment fees eating up 17%-30% of a year’s income per hire via an agency. We get it.

Or maybe it’s the lack of understanding from external parties, who blindly throw resumes at you with buzzwords like ‘data,’ ‘machine learning,’ and ‘engineer’ for your positions where you are in need of a quantitative person.

A better way forward

At ASCItec, we offer a serious alternative for your talent attraction and growth needs. We’ve proven our ability to help clients in the data and machine learning field by deeply understanding your company’s goals and the specific human intelligence and skills required within your team. This understanding is not a one-time deal; it’s an ongoing process that starts from our very first contact and continues until your company reaches corporate status. That’s when we gracefully step aside, as our focus remains on nurturing startups and scale-ups.

Tailored support, your way

Depending on your needs and preferences, we offer a range of support options:

  • Basic: As needed, selective recruitment, with representation.
  • Being Part: Immersive, on-site support to integrate seamlessly with your team.
  • Pipeline Building: Extensive support to cultivate a robust talent pipeline.
  • HR Services: Comprehensive HR services tailored to your unique requirements.
  • Exclusivity: Up to a certain level of exclusivity to ensure your needs are met.
  • Pay What You Want (PWYW): Flexible pricing options to suit your budget.

Don’t settle for the status quo when it comes to talent acquisition and growth. Join ASCItec and experience a fresh, innovative approach that aligns perfectly with the world of startups and scale-ups. Let’s build your future together.

We operate in The Netherlands.